Mit Feinen Gemusen Recipe is easy to make with help of very simple ingredients.This Mit Feinen Gemusen Recipe gets its zest pepper,paprika and butter .Here is one of my favorite quick and easy Mit Feinen Gemusen Recipe , best recipe of this kind and enjoy cooking.
Mit Feinen Gemusen Recipe
Mit Feinen Gemusen Recipe is delicious, tasteful and yammi dish. Mit Feinen Gemusen Recipe can be made in less than few minutes with the help of very few ingredients which is available at your nearest super market.Mit Feinen Gemusen Recipe easy to make at your home check below step by step directions of the recipe and enjoy cooking.
Yield: 6 people
Calories: 256kcal
- 1/2 t salt or to taste
- 1/4 t pepper or to taste
- 1/4 t paprika or to taste
- 4 veal fillets cut 1/4 thick
- 4 T butter
- 4 stewed tomatoes whole
- 12 white asparagus spears
- 1/4 lb mushrooms fresh sliced
- Asparagus Spears should be canned Sprinkle salt, pepper, and paprika over the veal slices.
- Saute in butter until browned. On each fillet place 1 stewed tomato, 3 spears asparagus and a heaping T of mushrooms.
- Cook gently. Pour cooking juices over the fillets while cooking.
- Cook uncovered until mushrooms are just tender. Serve with pureed potatoes and a salad.