How To Cook Rice with Recipe is easy to make with help of very simple method. This is very basic recipe for cooking rice in our homes. I am sharing this rice recipe for newbies who is wants to learn cook. Rice is very basic ingredient for many more recipes of Asian cuisine mainly while we want to cook biryani, sushi like recipes rice is the basic ingredient.
How To Cook Rice
This is very basic recipe for cooking rice in our homes. I am sharing this rice recipe for newbies who is wants to learn Cook Rice
Yield: 6 people
Calories: 369kcal
- 1 cup basmati rice
- 1.5 cups water
- Wash the rice until the majority of the starch has run out.
- Rinse and drain.
- Add 1.5 cups of water to the rice, bring to the boil, then simmer with the lid on for 12 to 15 minutes.
- Remove the saucepan from the heat, leave it to stand for 5 minutes, then serve.