Hidden Valley Chicken Drummies Recipe is easy to make with help of very simple ingredients. This Hidden Valley Chicken Recipe gets its zest from fresh chicken pieces.Here is one of my favorite quick and easy Hidden Valley Chicken Drummies Recipe , the top 10 on this site.
Hidden Valley Chicken Drummies Recipe step by step preparation
Hidden Valley Chicken Drummies Recipe with a chicken flavor easy to make with help of very simple ingredients and one of my favorite quick and easy Hidden Valley Chicken Drummies Recipe
Yield: 6 people
Calories: 369kcal
- 15-20 chicken drummies
- ¼ cup of melted butter
- A tablespoon of hot pepper sauce
- 2 tablespoons of vinegar
- 2 packages of dry Hidden Valley Dressing mix (or any alternative),
- Paprika and
- Some celery sticks.
- Mix the melted butter, with vinegar and pepper sauce, then dip the chicken inside the mix.
- Sprinkle the mix with the package of the dry Hidden valley dressing and then bake for about 30 minutes until the chicken turn brown.
- sprinkle paprika on the chicken and serve immediately with celery sticks that have been prepared with the Hidden Valley Dressing mix.