Apricot chicken wings Recipe is easy to make with help of very simple ingredients. This Apricot chicken wings Recipe gets its zest from fresh chicken pieces.Here is one of my favorite quick and easy Apricot wings Recipe , the top 10 on this site.
Apricot chicken wings Recipe step by step preparation
Apricot chicken wings Recipe with a chicken flavor easy to make with help of very simple ingredients and one of my favorite quick and easy Apricot chicken wings Recipe
Yield: 6 people
Calories: 269kcal
- A medium to large package of Lipton onion soup
- A jar of fresh apricot preserves
- A bottle of clear Russian dressing
- 10-12 (2 lbs.) of chicken wings
- Preheat the oven to about 350 degrees.
- Bake the chicken for about 1 hour until they become tender.
- Then mix the onion soup mix with the apricot preserves and Russian dressing.
- Pour the mix on top of the chicken wings and make sure each piece is coated. Serve immediately.